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5 minute read

Foot Growth 101: Kids vs. Adults

By Anvie Singh

Jun 10, 2024


Feet are amazing parts of our bodies that support us in every step we take. From the time we are born, our feet grow and change, especially during childhood. Finding the right shoes is crucial for both comfort and health. Today, we’ll explore how kids' feet grow, how adult feet change, and why expandable shoes are a smart choice. Let’s dive in! 

As parents, keeping up with your kid's growth can feel like a never-ending task, especially when buying shoes. Kids' feet grow and develop throughout childhood. It takes around 24 months for a newborn's foot bones to fully develop. Children's feet grow in a linear fashion, meaning their feet lengthen steadily over time. From infancy through their teenage years, kids experience rapid growth spurts. 

Here are a few key points about kids' foot growth: 

  • Between ages 1-3, feet can be expected to grow about 18mm or 3/4 inch per year. 
  • Between ages 3-6, children's feet grow about 12mm or 1/2 inch per year. 

  • Between ages 6-10, children's feet grow slightly under 12mm or 1/2 inch per year. 

  • Between ages 12-17, a boy's foot will only grow an additional 10% and girls only about 2%. 

Step-Sizing of Adult Feet 

Unlike children, adults have feet that are fully developed and don't grow. Instead of growing steadily, adult feet might change size in small steps due to things like weight gain, aging, and health conditions. These changes are usually small and happen slowly. 

Here are a few key points about adult foot sizing:

  • Minimal Growth: Once you’re an adult, your feet stop growing. Any size changes are usually small and slow. 

  • Factors Influencing Size: Changes in weight, pregnancy, and aging can cause your feet to become wider or change shape. 

  • Shoe Longevity: Adults can usually wear the same size shoes for many years because their feet don't change size as much. 

Comparing Kids' and Adults' Foot Growth 

The main difference between kids' and adults' foot growth lies in the rate and nature of change. 

  • Rate of Growth: Children's feet grow rapidly and continuously, whereas adults' feet experience minimal and gradual changes. 

  • Nature of Growth: Kids' foot growth is linear, with a steady increase in size. In contrast, adults experience step-sizing, where changes in size are due to external factors rather than continuous growth. 

  • Shoe Replacement: Kids need new shoes frequently to accommodate their growing feet. Adults, however, can use the same shoes for longer periods unless affected by external factors. 

Importance of Expandable Shoes 

Expandable shoes are an innovative solution to accommodate the rapid and continuous growth of kids' feet. Here’s why they are essential: 

  • Health Benefits: Properly fitting shoes support natural foot development, helping to avoid issues like blisters, calluses, and other foot deformities. 

  • Comfort and Fit: Shoes are crucial for comfort and foot health. Expandable shoes ensure that kids wear shoes that always fit right, preventing discomfort and potential foot problems. 

  • Cost-Effective: Buying new shoes every few months can be expensive. Expandable shoes adjust to the growing foot size, reducing the frequency of purchases.

Make the right choice and invest in a pair of adaptive expandable shoes now! 

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